How to change agent definition file

You can also change the current agent definition file if you want to search through different sources referring to international content instead of German content, for example.

How it works:

1. In the options menu click on the command General options. The dialogue General options will be called up immediately.
2. Open the register Language by a mouseclick on the register.
3. In the area Agents you will see a scrolldown menu to choose the particular ia-File from. If you are currently working with the German version of BINGOOO, the present entry is ia-deutsch. As soon as you choose the file ia-english from the scrolldown menu, agents and sources in the agent panel and source panel will immediately change accordingly.
4. Verify your entries with OK.

You can change the agent-definition-file also with the agent wizard in the headline of the agent panel. Click on the arrow aside of the default entry agent. A window will be opened showing all files currently available. Click on the agent definition file prefered. The BINGOOO interface will change accordingly.

If you change to international content (ia-english), it is advisable to also change the language of the programs function and menus and of the programs online help. You can do that in the register Language as well.

You can find further information under:

Register Language (Dialogue General options)
How to use the agent wizard